$title = 'Infill Town Housing | Auckland Builders | Dan Joint Builders' ?> $description = 'Subdivide existing sites into smaller multiple housing lots in accordance with Auckland Unitary plan. Dan Joint Builders can undertake these new home builds and can help with process of getting Resource, Land Use and Building consents from Auckland Council as well as the necessary infrastructure installed to meet S224c Council requirements.' ?> $keywords = 'Builders, Dan, Joint, Build, Auckland, residential, infill town housing, subdivide, subdivision, resource consent, Auckland Unitary plan, council requirements, architectural build' ?>
With changes to the Auckland Unitary plan to help meet Auckland’s housing needs. It is now possible in many areas to subdivide existing sites into smaller multiple housing Lots. If you own such a property and want to consider doing this we would be keen to hear from you.
We can help you with process of getting Resource, Land Use and Building consents from Auckland Council. We can organise getting the necessary infrastructure designed and installed to meet S224c Council requirements for separate titles, and then building the houses with Code of Compliance sign off.
You may be in the position where you have already engaged a civil works company and maybe an architect, in which case we would still welcome the opportunity to tender for, and potentially undertake the house build phase of the job for you.